Sunday, February 10, 2008

Week TWO

Here's what happened in week two. . . My Poppy, Grandma Daisy and I had a grand old time, and shared a couple of good yarns. Sadly though, the party had to come to an end, and they left to go home. (Grandma will actually be making a pit stop in Mexico to enjoy a spa weekend with my aunts Kathleen, Patty and Lorna.) I wish I could join them, but alas; I am only 12 days old, and mexican food doesn't settle well with me.)

Some other highlights of the week. . . I opened my eyes long enough for my dad to take this picture. As it turns out, I will have blue eyes like my older sister. Also, in a shocking marvel of infant development, I shed the last remnants of the shackles that bound me in 9 months of uteral incarceration before recently gaining my FREEDOM! The crispy black waif of my withered umbilical cord fell of at 1300 hours on Friday, Feb. 8 in the year of our Lord, 2008.

Jesus was visited by THREE WISE MEN, bearing gifts of some weird herbs, spices, and such. Me. . . I got a sweet dress from TWO SUPER-COOL EAGLE-ROCKERS, Tony and Brandi.

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