Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter!

Found One!Regan has "Egg Envy."

Porch Rockin'

A Good Friday and Sorta Holy Saturday

Very happy that the Easter Bunny is coming to town. Or so I've been told.Easter Fashions by Adelaide.

Spreadin' out.Addie loves to play dress-up on the potty.
Daddy's happy that I FINALLY fell asleep.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Happy St. Patricks Day

Proud to be IRISH (& Mexican)

Friday, March 7, 2008

Sketchin' on Regan

After the Grandest Folk Ever returned home to Texas and Florida, Daddy spent a couple mornings recalling their visits in his sketchbook.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

ONE MONTH (and one week)

I am thrilled to announce that I turned one month old last week. We had a party with cupcakes, party hats and toys, but I was in no mood for pictures. Sorry. Here are some other hi-lites from the last two weeks. My buddy Harrison and I Hung out and watched the Oscars. He's a whole month older than me.
Matt, Laura & Julian stopped by the house. Julian is almost Four Months old. He's pretty cool for a Red Sox Fan. Too bad he'll be 30 yrs old, and wondering when the Boys from Bean Town will ever "end this 30 yr. drought." Unfortunately I'll be wondering when my Cubbies will end their 130 yr drought.
I still love my Cedars Sanai issue swaddle blankys.